A fellow of the IICA is an individual who is recognised by their peers as a person of senior standing within the industry and profession. To be considered for the membership rank of fellow there are certain criteria that you must meet. Three (3) mandatory and one (1) additional criterion.

Mandatory Criteria

  • Has followed the profession of Instrumentation, Control and / or Automation for at least 10 years
  • Has held a prominent position in the profession or industry and made a significant contribution to the profession or industry.
  • Has made a significant contribution to the IICA via Federal Council, Division or Branch involvement.

Additional Criteria

  • Has held a sustained major responsibility in the design or execution of important instrumentation, control or automation work as relevant to Member
  • Has made a significant contribution to the manufacturing, sales and support areas of instrumentation, training, control or automation as relevant to Member
  • Has participated in national and international Standards setting organisations.

Your application will be assessed by the IICA Fellows Committee comprised of your Peers which will make a recommendation to the IICA Federal Council.

Please email membership@iica.org.au to obtain the application forms.